Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hey Officer Hottie - Want a French Fry?!?!?

So I'm coming back from my local petsmart. It's nice out. Daniel has his window down, as do I, and we are rocking out to XM. Daniel has his nuggies and fries from Wendy's. We pass one police car and he gets excited.

"Lookie mama! Look at that. What's that?" He says
"A police car," I tell him "Say hello officer"
"Heeeeddddddooooo" he yells as the cop passes us.

We approach the intersection (the BIG one by my house with the REALLY long light...) and a second cop pulls up and we both miss the yellow and catch the red light.
"Oh mama lookie more!!" he says, pointing at the cop.
"Yup," I said absentmindedly "and that one is a hottie" (NOTE - a hottie with his window down)

"OH yeah oh yeah! Dat one is a hot - teeeeeee! Hiiiiii hottt-teeeee! HI HOTTIE!! Want a french fry?!?!?!" screams my child, AT the cop, as he attempts to throw fries out the window to him.

Then comes the slooowww head turn from the officer, who is mildly amused (?)

"Want - french FRYYYYYYYY!!!!?????" screams Daniel as he chucks another fry towards my open window. I am suddenly glad for D's bad aim and the sheer luck of me recently moving the car seat to the center.

I was an entirely new shade of red. I suddenly wished my child was LESS articulate. I kept trying to glance over to see if maybe he didn't hear? I mean, he was about 10 full inches away :-/

The light FINALLY changes and I attempt to get in front of him (Officer Hottie), knowing there was at least one more traffic light I could potentially have to sit through beside him if I didn't. I get in front of him - next light same thing - we caught the yellow and stopped for the red. I guess he was up for a laugh, cause he pulls from behind me, and gets in the turn lane next to me.

"Oh mama Looooookkkkk. Hi Hottie!! Hiiiiiiiii!" screams my child, this time adding his best siren imitation of "weeeeee ooooooohhhh weeee oooooooh"

Again, I get the slow head turn from Officer Hoty, as he peers at me over the top of his sunglasses. UNFORTUNATELY, it seemed to be more of a "what the hell" kind of look instead of "can I get your number" kind of a look. I detected a glimmer of a smile though ;-) The light changed, and sped off to my street (32 mph in a 35) as Daniel waved and yelled "Buh byeeee".

I guess Daniel's habit of repeating the last thing I say will never REALLY get old!

*Dedicated to Christine - my first college roommate, who would INTENTIONALLY break traffic laws in hopes of getting pulled over by policemen she deemed attractive*