Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Strong-Willed, Part 2

I finished the book. And when I say finished, I mean I skipped the chapters on siblings and adolescences and ADHD. I found everything in it to be good information, but, I feel like it was really lacking in some practical applications. Like, do this for that, and instead this try that. I appreciated the he accepts that spanking, even done appropriately and in a loving way, is not for every child. (spanking was my major issue with the "other book". My excitement over this part of the book quickly diminished when no alternative consequences were offered.

I will likely reread the parts I found applicable, and mull it over again, seeing how I can get the application of this process down. If nothing else, my changed attitude towards his willful nature made the read worthwhile.

On a lighter note, toddler bed transitioning is going well. Gets a little better every night. Tonight, no 'suppernanny' process of sneaking out - I just left after stories. A few minutes later, I hear paper rustling. I peak in, and he is reading a HUGE Blues Clues book - laying down, trying to hold up a hardback book of about 100 pages above his face. There he is, "reading" in complete darkness...silly boy!

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