Thursday, May 27, 2010

Your Baby Can Read!

subtitled "Accidentally Intoxicated on a Random Monday".

Okay, first of all, don't judge me! 1) Intoxicated is probably an exaggeration and 2) I was totally supervised. I couldn't decide which title had more "pull". Personally, I wanted to go with "Intoxicated" but since this is supposed to be my "Mama" blog, I'll try and keep the focus on the kid, and off the antics of my beautiful disaster of a life!

My friend Jenny (yes, the Jenny so often mentioned on mamapasta) had decided we'd be hanging out most of the week since her husband was in NJ for business. On Monday, she did me a huge favor by getting Daniel from the sitter's while I had a meeting at work. As expected, the meeting sucked. We met back at my place (insert beer #1) and decided it was too hot to cook. I also decided I was again a lightweight.

We packed up the baby, and went for dinner (insert beer #2). Somewhere along the way, I got a little wound up and a little silly - much to Jenny's amusement. The entire way home, we are giggling and joking. We were sitting at a red light, and Daniel yells to us - "car mama! pizza - pizza". We look over, and there is a Papa John's delivery car next to us. We starting laughing hard. "Mama!!! Pizza!!" He yells as he points. We look over at the guy and continue to laugh ourselves to tears (its a long light!). Through our squeals - Jenny exclaims "Your baby can READ!"

I too, have decided he can read. We don't order pizza often, and I know for a FACT we haven't had Papa John's in over month thanks to my food poisoning in April. What other rational explanation is there (after two beers!)? My baby can read :-)

I'm sure this will all leave you wanting more info on how EXACTLY one ends up tipsy on a Monday...perhaps I need to spawn a new 'baby free' blog??

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day Reflections

Yesterday was (technically) my 3rd Mother's Day as a mama, but in actuality, it was our 2nd mother's day celebration. My first Mother's Day was nothing to write home about. It was the day Daniel's father decided to 'officially' start his new life outside of ours. Needless to say, at 5 weeks postpardom being suddenly thrust into MY new life as a single mom didn't seem to be cause for a celebration. I can't remember exactly what we (meaning my infant son and I) did - I know there was a lot of napping, and some Little House on the Prairie reruns. I can't recall the exact emotions of that first Mother's Day (thank GOD!)- but I remember thinking how this holiday would forever be ruined for me. I'm glad to say, I was wrong.

Sometime during the winter following that, I decided I wasn't going to have my holiday ruined. Along with some help from my dearest friends, a decision was made to make new and happy memories. I was barely scraping by financially, trying to deal with the increased cost of living and a one income budget, but I saved up for months to have a Mother's Day (and his 1 year portraits) professionally done. Jenny and her mom officially adopted me for Mother's day and we had a great lunch together, with words of encouragement from Jenny's mom, Kathy. The weather was beautiful, and after lunch, Daniel and I went outside, played trucks in the grass, and took dozens of photos. It was an awesome day, and the professional photos the following week were icing on the cake.

As Mother's Day rolled around again this year, I looked forward to it, knowing that after a long week, with many commitments, I would have my baby bear all to myself. This year for Mother's Day, I requested my cousin Dave to come over and attack my "Honey-Do List". I actually call it the "the shit that will not get done until I borrow somebodies man" list, but you get the idea...install curtain rods, hang bookshelves, put together toys from Christmas (yikes!), dismantle changing table...It was awesome! I can see the floor in my sons closet again, and thanks to the darkening shades, my mornings are no longer starting with the 545 sunrise. My evening was complete when Jenny and Joey continued the tradition of making happy memories with me. At my request, we dined on Pei Wei (take out...eating in really isn't that fun with a 2 year old!) and I got the most darling cards from my son, complete with red crayon inscriptions. I also took a nap, with no feelings of guilt, just entitlement! I have yet to book this year's photos, but I'm looking forward to it!

As I write this, I have such vivid and beautiful memories of the past 2 years - I remember the outfits we wore to lunch last year, and the roses from the waitstaff at the restaurant. I remember the cold rain during our photo shoot last year, and the sound of his laughter when he walked barefoot through the wet mud. I will always remember this year's card with the puppy, and strawberry jelly fingerprints. Just as important as these happy memories is how quickly and completely the ones from '08 have faded into nothingness. So here's to our '2nd annual mother's day CELEBRATION' - cheers!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Fell in love with him all over again on a random Monday night

Sometimes you just don't have the words...but this is why I love him.

His socks don't match, and that was his idea.

It is not unusual for him to be without pants.

He oozes wonderment and happiness.