Thursday, May 27, 2010

Your Baby Can Read!

subtitled "Accidentally Intoxicated on a Random Monday".

Okay, first of all, don't judge me! 1) Intoxicated is probably an exaggeration and 2) I was totally supervised. I couldn't decide which title had more "pull". Personally, I wanted to go with "Intoxicated" but since this is supposed to be my "Mama" blog, I'll try and keep the focus on the kid, and off the antics of my beautiful disaster of a life!

My friend Jenny (yes, the Jenny so often mentioned on mamapasta) had decided we'd be hanging out most of the week since her husband was in NJ for business. On Monday, she did me a huge favor by getting Daniel from the sitter's while I had a meeting at work. As expected, the meeting sucked. We met back at my place (insert beer #1) and decided it was too hot to cook. I also decided I was again a lightweight.

We packed up the baby, and went for dinner (insert beer #2). Somewhere along the way, I got a little wound up and a little silly - much to Jenny's amusement. The entire way home, we are giggling and joking. We were sitting at a red light, and Daniel yells to us - "car mama! pizza - pizza". We look over, and there is a Papa John's delivery car next to us. We starting laughing hard. "Mama!!! Pizza!!" He yells as he points. We look over at the guy and continue to laugh ourselves to tears (its a long light!). Through our squeals - Jenny exclaims "Your baby can READ!"

I too, have decided he can read. We don't order pizza often, and I know for a FACT we haven't had Papa John's in over month thanks to my food poisoning in April. What other rational explanation is there (after two beers!)? My baby can read :-)

I'm sure this will all leave you wanting more info on how EXACTLY one ends up tipsy on a Monday...perhaps I need to spawn a new 'baby free' blog??

1 comment:

  1. lol - would love to hear how this all went down. Brings back memories of a non-so-innocent night at a hotel in DC my senior year of high school with some goods from Amanda Good, some brewing coffee, and a LOT of pizza.
