Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tie Game Baby

Yesterday was a hard day. It hasn't been the best week, and yesterday was just exhausting. He has missed one of his naps, and was pretty irritated when I got home. Why I thought today was the day to work on weaning of that bedtime bottle, I'll never know.

It seems that nothing infuriates my child more than me saying "no" and moving him away from said "no no" item/behavior. Lack of sleep makes him prone to his fits. He goes nuts - screaming, throwing himself on the ground, and thrashing about wildly. If I make the mistake of holding him, he will scratch and smack me in the face. He has also been known to try and bite too. It sounds horrible, but the fit lasts about 30 seconds. He then goes about his business, seemingly content having expressed himself in such a dramatic fashion.

Yesterday, he did this about 15 times in 2 hours, including in the bathtub, while changing his diaper, while trying to feed him, and while trying to get him dressed for bed. I felt like somebody kidnapped my angel and left me his demon twin, and I wanted my kid back. Things had really gotten bad when I was trying to him into his PJ's. He was thrashing about naked - screaming until he gagged himself. I just sat on the ground with him and started to cry. I don't know why I expected empathy from a one year old. I couldn't really have thought he'd crawl over, pat me on the back, and settle down? He did however, stop going nuts - but only to laugh at me. Awesome.

I guess this where you'd expect me to stop crying and laugh with him, and everyone goes to bed happy. Wrong. I tried to grab him in his moment of happiness to get a diaper on. The tantrum continued, complete with kicking, scratching, and ear piercing screams. Eventually I wrestle him into clothes, and get him into the crib. He threw his sippy cup and his stuffed monkey over the edge of the crib and then cried about it.

I gave up. 2 hours of this was enough. I gave him his bottle. He wrong. I guess we start bottle weaning next time.

PS-I don't know what magic I had tonight, but we had a peaceful bath, pj, and bedtime routine - no bottle...only a sippy cup with a few sips of milk!

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