Monday, May 4, 2009

All the world's a (my?) stage...

I'm not beyond embarrassing myself for the amusement of others. I'm not the family comedian, but, I do love cracking people up on occasion - I just never had the desire to crack up dozens of people in the grocery store on a Monday :(

My newest 'resolution' is to plan a little more - primarily meals. The baby is eating 3 solid meals and snacks, so I should too. I'm also sick and tired of feeding little man, putting him to bed, and then looking around the kitchen famished and settling for cereal. I also don't like relying on those prepackaged toddler meals for the baby. Looking at my schedule, the only way ANYBODY in my house was eating was if I went shopping today. I had a list, my tennis shoes on, and was ready to run through. (Daniel does not do well between 4:30-6:00 pm)

We barely made it to the third aisle when he started twisting and fussing and yelling. The store was busy, and no one seemed to enjoy the added noise. I tried cookies and toys. He tried throwing them. Then my phone rang (Beyonce is my ring tone) and the baby got happy.

I guess that was my solution. So, I danced my way down the aisles (aisle 3 through 11) singing Beyonce's "Single Ladies" over and over and over. Eventually he settled for the cheap ring tones that came with the phone and I could tone down my theatrics. People were staring a little (ok, a lot - and not that kind of stare and smile that says "oh how cute"), but at least my baby bear was content. Another mom had been following me for a bit I guess - she stopped to tell me how cute Daniel's dancing was and that mine wasn't bad either. Her kid was content with a stupid rattle and some overpriced yogurt melts. Whatever, my kid's got rhythm and a love for Beyonce - and half the town knows it now!

Dedicated to Aunt Dana - cause she showed me the art of the cell phone ring tone dance and SHE IS the family comedian ;-)

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