Saturday, January 9, 2010

A new cook in the kitchen...

My son suddenly has a new fascination with cooking. He has always followed me around the kitchen, usually getting underfoot, trying to climb into the dishwasher, getting out pots to bang on, etc. Recently he has been reaching and grunting for me to pick him up. I have been reinforcing 'words', so now I get "uh uh uh uh uh UP uh uh uh UP". At first I thought he just wanted me, or something on the counter, but after a few of these moments, I realized he wanted up to see what I was doing, and to help.

I got out our step stool, and he climbed up, thrilled to finally be at the counter. At first I just let him have a bowl of water and a spoon to play with. I mixed, he mixed. I tasted, he tasted. The next time, I let him help. We made chicken satay - and he stirred the sauce together with a mini whisk. So cute! Then he helped me wash the broccoli, shaking the colander under the running water.

Now, every time I cook, he wants the stool out. I have put a little set together of plastic utensils that he can get out of the lower cupboard himself. Today we made french toast. He helped beat the egg and soak the bread. He was not happy that he couldn't be at the stove, but he understands that its hot (I always say "not safe for Daniel", which he understands as something different than just "no", so I get less attitude from him). He moved aside and practiced flipping his pretend french toast safely away from the stove top.

In addition to the helping with the satay and french toast, Daniel has also been the 'sprinkler of oregano' on our garlic bread, 'stirrer of oatmeal', and 'cheese grating supervisor' (supervisor since I deemed that task also "not safe for Daniel").

I am charmed with his interest in big boy tasks - putting stuff in the trash can, unloading the dryer, unloading the dishwasher, and now cooking!


Beat 2 eggs together with about 1/8 cup of your favorite 'seasonal coffee creamer'. We love the gingerbread.

Fry in pan with butter ('tis the season!)

Use cookie cutter to cut them into Christmas trees or gingerbread men (we have tiny gingerbread men cookie cutters, and Daniel likes to dunk their heads in syrup)

Top with powdered sugar, or syrup, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Carrie,

    I'm continually amazed at your strength, your humor and your exceptional writing skills! You amaze me and your blogspot is totally awesome (OK, that's a 70's term, but, you get my point!) Thanks for sharing your life and that of little Daniel's with us.
