Saturday, January 10, 2009

Movin' Movin'

I'm doomed. My baby is mobile. He had been crawling backwards since about Thanksgiving. I predicted he'd be crawling forward (the more dangerous kind of crawling) by New Years. He was a little later than I said. He crawled on Sunday January 4, 2009. You can also mark that as the last day I was ever productive.

Now that he can move, that is all he wants to do. Crawl, and head straight for things that he should not have. His new favorite activity is to craw to the kitchen chair, grab the lower rungs, and shake the chair across the floor and bang it against the table. For slightly safer fun, he enjoys being chased around the kitchen island. It so awesome to watch explore his world in a new way - to see the curiosity on his face when he sees something new. I think he loves watching me run and yell "NO" as he heads for the yet-to-be-baby-proofed electrical outlets.

Along with crawling came a very willful attitude. I guess he believes that since he can get to where he wants to go, he is entitle to do so at anytime, and to have anything he wants. He has been hot pursuit of my cell phone for weeks. He won yesterday when I went to the bathroom. His acid drool has destroyed my phone. So, today - wal mart for some baby food and outlet covers then the sprint store for a new phone...

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