Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Beautiful Disaster

It was one of those days. One of those long days where things are so busy at work, I don't even have time to pee. I don't even REMEMBER to pee until my bladder is aching. One of those long days that entailed a trip home from work to get my baby love to bring him back to work (about 100 miles round trip).

I had a concert, and had to bring the baby. That morning I was still fishing for a sitter to watch him at school. Luckily (and, as usual) my friend Jenny came through for us. The baby was a little fussy, seeing as how he was confined to the music office and forced entertain himself with a handful of toys I keep in the car and some tupperware Jenny had in her purse (random, right?!). He was a little screamy, and I had to come to his a rescue a few times when I was supposed to be doing some last minute rehearsing. Finally he calmed down. He never quite made it out of the office to watch my concert, but he was happy playing and yelling with his Aunt Jenny.

After the concert I came running in to fetch my baby to show him off to all my students and their families - and there he was - my beautiful disaster. He was now naked, excpet for a slightly soggy diaper, and stained blue bib that reads "Chicks dig me". His little cheeks were super rosy, and drool ran down his face and belly all the way to his toes (sounds like a dreadful version of the night before Christmas....) He had some baby crust on his nose, and his natural mohawk was accentuated with a little bit of baby vomit he had run through his hair. For a half of a second, I was ALMOST MORTIFIED...I'm a dork and always pack matching "concert clothes" for him so he looks extra cute...and there he was, naked dirty, and a little stinky. Ok, noticibly stinky. But when he flashed his million dollar, zero toothed smile, I saw my gorgeous baby, my beautiful disaster. I scooped him up to show off. Not only did no one comment on the strange smell, but the seemed to enjoy seeing his little round baby belly and chubby little legs. Some parents took pictures. I hope I can get one to add to the post.

Poor Jenny took a real beating that night - he was a true handful, and she had come straight from work. Thank god she's easy to please - I repaid her with a mashed pototoes and a diet pepsi from KFC.

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