Sunday, February 8, 2009

$80 frozen yogurt...

Everyone knows that it is nearly impossible to get out of Costco (or Sam's Club) for less than $100. You go in for your lifetime supply of TP and come out with pillows, rugs, and 100 lbs of granola bars...and you forgot the toilet paper.

My trip to Costco was PLANNED and I PLANNED on leaving with out spending more than $2. Goal: Check out a sleeper sofa my mother law had seen. I told the baby if he was good, we would share some frozen yogurt on the way out ($1.60, including tax!).

We checked out the sofa. Sat on it, layed on it (somebody drooled on it...). Then we walked around, just checking out what they had. Daniel is super social, so he really likes just being out in his stroller where people will fuss over him and talk to him. He likes to show off his new tricks of waving hi and bye. As I was getting ready to leave, I realized I had no cash, and the snack bar doesn't take debit cards. My plan was ruined. Oh well, they had cute baby PJ's and he outgrew most of his... $9. Okay, so I have to spend $9, then get $20 cash back for my $1.60 yogurt. Hmmmmm. As I tried to decide if it was worth it or not, Daniel started yelling. Then crying. He was hungry. Good enough for me! We were both hungry, he needed PJ's. $29 yogurt it will be.

We got through the check out line and thats when I got hit with it.

"Your membership is up. Would you like to renew?" Growl. I must have looked pissed because she decided to point out to me that the expiration date is right there on the card-as if I have no right to look irritated.

No going back now, we're both hungry, he picked out his PJ's and was holding on to them. And I did PROMISE yogurt if he was good, and he was good.

"Fine." I said.

Moments later, we were enjoying our $80 frozen yogurt with strawberries. (and I don't think I want the couch....)

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