Thursday, February 12, 2009

Not yet house trained

Above - " Caught in the Act", "On the Run", and "The puddle"

I knew they (meaning babies) didn't come potty trained, but, I guess I didn't know that they truly have no preference where they pee). I found out the hard way...they do not care.

Daniel is totally into his "squirmy wormy" stage and totally loves trying to escape during diaper changes. He does this crazy roll and run deal. This time, since I was about to put him in the tub anyway, I let him go. And off he went, naked as the day he was born, tearing across the living room! It was so cute, I had to grab the camera. A few cute naked baby pics later, he quieted down, reached between his legs, and pissed all over the floor. The look on his face was sheer delight. Wow! I did that!?!?! He beamed. He looked proud of himself for marking his territory. He then crawled away from his puddle on the carpet and sprinkled another drop or two on the kitchen floor.

Maybe I'm not your average mom, because 1) I thought it was HILARIOUS and 2) I didn't clean it up until after I gave him his bath.

Judging from the joy he obtained by peeing on the carpet, I'm guessing he's not ready for the potty. I heard from other moms that a slight feeling of shame when they have accidents is a good indication they are ready for the potty. Oh well, I thought 10 months was a little young for that anyways!

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