Sunday, May 17, 2009

Not fancy, but still good!

Hey guys,

I want to enter the baby in a photo contest. I know, I know, I'm THAT mom now....Don't judge me ;-) There is $ involved for college and/or gift cards to keep him clothed!

Anyways - check it out, leave a comment. I'll take more pics next week - waiting for a little scratch on his nose to fade before I take pics for the contest!

Fancy Photos!!!!!

Yesterday Daniel and I had photos done with Dorie Howell. I follow her page on blogger, so you should see her link on my blog. It was raining, and he was not being himself, so I was little worried - but - the pics look awesome already!!!!! She has posted two little preview pics, and I'm already soooo happy we did it.

This is our *new* Mother's Day tradition - we will have such happy memories!

PS-Dorie was great to work with, so if you're in the DC/NoVa area, I hope you will consider her.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Video from December

Below is a link to my you tube video. Its from Christmas - taken in Pennsylvania at my Aunt Dana (also known as Auntie Mom's) house. Not only is my baby and aunt funny, but so is the funeral-like Christmas carols in the background. Also, be warned my grandmother starts singing "doodley doo" half way through. To this day, we are unsure if Doodley Doo is her original composition, or a real song. Regardless, here it is, creepy Christmas music and monotone singing included for free ;-) This is my family, and I love them!

PS-If I can figure out the technical skills required to get videos of my video camera, I will put up "baby pissing on mommy and floor @ baptism" and every one's favorite - "cannibal baby eats Aunt Dana's face" SCOOOOOTTTTTT help!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day everyone. I hope your day was as beautiful and blessed as mine.

7 a.m. wake up call. I'm greeted by a baby wearing only a droopy diaper and a grin that melts my heart. Perfect.

9 a.m. We walk outside on a day so gorgeous you feel blessed just to be alive. I get darling little smiles as my son peeks up over his head to make sure I'm still there, pushing his stroller.

10 a.m. (likely the best gift of the day) I get to take a shower and get dressed (make up and all!) in peace and quiet and with out hurry - little man is napping (naked again).

noon- Off to dinner with Joey, Jenny, and her mom Kathy at a great Italian place. I was treated to a Mimosa and a yummy meal. It wasn't very busy, a few families. Daniel was having his run of the place (the ENTIRE place) Everyone, employees included, were sweet to him. As we were getting ready to leave, the manager came over to take the baby's picture for their website. My dreams of him being a childhood star have begun!!!!!! I will post a link when the pic is up - and if anyone knows a legitimate agent - hook me up!

3-4pm Nap. Much needed sleep for mama and baby.

4-5pm Outside romp! There is a huge grassy area by the ponds at my place. Its perfect for letting little man run free and explore without boundaries. He crawled over every inch of grass, pushing his dump truck, examining weeds and trees and rocks.

6:45 p.m. Bedtime routine as usual. Bath, lotion, and stories. We read books for about 15 minutes. Daniel was climbing all over me and pulling himself up to get into my lap. He is such a busy, independent boy that I love when he is tender and clingy. He threw himself over my shoulder, put his head down, reach around and gave me a hug - a real hug! He squeezed me and patted my back. What a perfect ending to a perfect day! I tucked him to bed, with chunky monkey and some milk, and lots of kisses.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

So sweet

From the start, I knew today was going to go one of two ways. I knew I would survive, or it would be ugly and I would ended up sweaty, with another win for the kid. I didn't imagine it would be wonderful - but I guess that is what motherhood is about (in addition to poop, slobber, and toys). I had rehearsal tonight from 5-630 pm (baby's prime fussy-time), and had to take the baby.

The morning began as usual, until I walked in to his room to a stench that gagged me. I looked around for an exploded toilet or dead animal. Then I saw the culprit; the source of the gut-wrenching stench - my own child. He did what I call "shitting up the back"-which is exactly it sounds like. It is when the diaper cannot contain and the poop comes out the diaper, and up the child's back. In this case, the poop was up to his shoulder blades. GROSS. The only solution is to cut their clothes off and dump them in the bathtub. Not only was this gross, but I took it as an omen to how my day would go.

I packed baby bear's bag with lots of tummy ache goodies - toast, pedialite, fruit, and extra kisses - and took him to his sitter's. The day went fine for him, and I picked up a dopey, sleepy, and slightly cranky baby just in time to toss him in the car, and turn around to get back to school for rehearsal. I had the pack n play and dreams of him being content in it. I stopped and got him some chicken nuggets and milk (cause I forgot food for him!) We got to school and the all kids fussed over him and his face lit up! I set up the pack 'n play, tossed him in, threw in some chicken nuggets - and TA - DA!!!! He was okay! He was actually pretty happy! He fussed some times, and I let him out, afraid he would terrorize the kids, pull a timpani on his head, or electrocute himself, but he didn't! It was amazing! He just crawled up the podium and chewed on a pen, pretending to conduct with me. It was pretty cute, and he was just so damn good, I couldn't believe it! For an hour and a half!?!?! He was content without a single toy, book, or anything. I don't understand, and that's fine. I just hope it wasn't the crack in the chicken nuggets.

Monday, May 4, 2009

All the world's a (my?) stage...

I'm not beyond embarrassing myself for the amusement of others. I'm not the family comedian, but, I do love cracking people up on occasion - I just never had the desire to crack up dozens of people in the grocery store on a Monday :(

My newest 'resolution' is to plan a little more - primarily meals. The baby is eating 3 solid meals and snacks, so I should too. I'm also sick and tired of feeding little man, putting him to bed, and then looking around the kitchen famished and settling for cereal. I also don't like relying on those prepackaged toddler meals for the baby. Looking at my schedule, the only way ANYBODY in my house was eating was if I went shopping today. I had a list, my tennis shoes on, and was ready to run through. (Daniel does not do well between 4:30-6:00 pm)

We barely made it to the third aisle when he started twisting and fussing and yelling. The store was busy, and no one seemed to enjoy the added noise. I tried cookies and toys. He tried throwing them. Then my phone rang (Beyonce is my ring tone) and the baby got happy.

I guess that was my solution. So, I danced my way down the aisles (aisle 3 through 11) singing Beyonce's "Single Ladies" over and over and over. Eventually he settled for the cheap ring tones that came with the phone and I could tone down my theatrics. People were staring a little (ok, a lot - and not that kind of stare and smile that says "oh how cute"), but at least my baby bear was content. Another mom had been following me for a bit I guess - she stopped to tell me how cute Daniel's dancing was and that mine wasn't bad either. Her kid was content with a stupid rattle and some overpriced yogurt melts. Whatever, my kid's got rhythm and a love for Beyonce - and half the town knows it now!

Dedicated to Aunt Dana - cause she showed me the art of the cell phone ring tone dance and SHE IS the family comedian ;-)