Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day everyone. I hope your day was as beautiful and blessed as mine.

7 a.m. wake up call. I'm greeted by a baby wearing only a droopy diaper and a grin that melts my heart. Perfect.

9 a.m. We walk outside on a day so gorgeous you feel blessed just to be alive. I get darling little smiles as my son peeks up over his head to make sure I'm still there, pushing his stroller.

10 a.m. (likely the best gift of the day) I get to take a shower and get dressed (make up and all!) in peace and quiet and with out hurry - little man is napping (naked again).

noon- Off to dinner with Joey, Jenny, and her mom Kathy at a great Italian place. I was treated to a Mimosa and a yummy meal. It wasn't very busy, a few families. Daniel was having his run of the place (the ENTIRE place) Everyone, employees included, were sweet to him. As we were getting ready to leave, the manager came over to take the baby's picture for their website. My dreams of him being a childhood star have begun!!!!!! I will post a link when the pic is up - and if anyone knows a legitimate agent - hook me up!

3-4pm Nap. Much needed sleep for mama and baby.

4-5pm Outside romp! There is a huge grassy area by the ponds at my place. Its perfect for letting little man run free and explore without boundaries. He crawled over every inch of grass, pushing his dump truck, examining weeds and trees and rocks.

6:45 p.m. Bedtime routine as usual. Bath, lotion, and stories. We read books for about 15 minutes. Daniel was climbing all over me and pulling himself up to get into my lap. He is such a busy, independent boy that I love when he is tender and clingy. He threw himself over my shoulder, put his head down, reach around and gave me a hug - a real hug! He squeezed me and patted my back. What a perfect ending to a perfect day! I tucked him to bed, with chunky monkey and some milk, and lots of kisses.

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