Tuesday, May 5, 2009

So sweet

From the start, I knew today was going to go one of two ways. I knew I would survive, or it would be ugly and I would ended up sweaty, with another win for the kid. I didn't imagine it would be wonderful - but I guess that is what motherhood is about (in addition to poop, slobber, and toys). I had rehearsal tonight from 5-630 pm (baby's prime fussy-time), and had to take the baby.

The morning began as usual, until I walked in to his room to a stench that gagged me. I looked around for an exploded toilet or dead animal. Then I saw the culprit; the source of the gut-wrenching stench - my own child. He did what I call "shitting up the back"-which is exactly it sounds like. It is when the diaper cannot contain and the poop comes out the diaper, and up the child's back. In this case, the poop was up to his shoulder blades. GROSS. The only solution is to cut their clothes off and dump them in the bathtub. Not only was this gross, but I took it as an omen to how my day would go.

I packed baby bear's bag with lots of tummy ache goodies - toast, pedialite, fruit, and extra kisses - and took him to his sitter's. The day went fine for him, and I picked up a dopey, sleepy, and slightly cranky baby just in time to toss him in the car, and turn around to get back to school for rehearsal. I had the pack n play and dreams of him being content in it. I stopped and got him some chicken nuggets and milk (cause I forgot food for him!) We got to school and the all kids fussed over him and his face lit up! I set up the pack 'n play, tossed him in, threw in some chicken nuggets - and TA - DA!!!! He was okay! He was actually pretty happy! He fussed some times, and I let him out, afraid he would terrorize the kids, pull a timpani on his head, or electrocute himself, but he didn't! It was amazing! He just crawled up the podium and chewed on a pen, pretending to conduct with me. It was pretty cute, and he was just so damn good, I couldn't believe it! For an hour and a half!?!?! He was content without a single toy, book, or anything. I don't understand, and that's fine. I just hope it wasn't the crack in the chicken nuggets.

1 comment:

  1. Haha wonderful what a great ending to the day. I love how you packed kisses... so cute
